Thursday, August 27, 2015

Weaning After 2 Years Breastfeeding Triplets!

I've been wanting to write this for a while. The triplets officially self-weaned shortly after their second birthday and it definitely came with a lot of emotions.

If I told myself when they were born that we would successfully breastfeed for 2 years, I probably would have passed out. I had done a bunch of research and was up for the breastfeeding challenge but knew it was going to be a lot of hard work and I wasn't going to be hard on myself. So I set a goal of 3 months and would move on from there if I made it. Originally I only dreamed how great it would be to make it to a year.

The time in the nicu was hard. I was so happy to hear from other triplet moms and to have great doctors and hospital that supported my wishes. It would have been so easy to give them bottles at first and let myself sleep and recover but I was determined. After the stressful few days getting my supply established (and lots of tears) it started to get a bit easier. I didn't sleep much and pumped as ofter as I could.

Once we got home it took a few weeks to settle into a routine. We were all learning. At their one month appointment I cried tears of joy to hear how much they gained and know that my efforts are paying off. After that, we had it down.

I continued to pump for a while but eventually stopped once the freezer stash was good. The pump and I had a love hate relationship. I was so glad to be done pumping, but I can't imagine life without it those first few months.

We made it to 3 months and then 6 and then 9 and I though, I can actually do this! Teething, and sleep regressions came and went and we got through it all.

We made it to 1 year!! It was amazing and I couldn't believe I actually did it.
I started imagining we could get farther than a year and quickly set my sights of 2 years. That is the WHO recommendation and at first I didn't think about it because that sounded crazy but I actually started thinking it was possible!

Well then another hurdle came our way, we were pregnant! Of course we were ecstatic but I wasn't sure what that would do to breastfeeding. Would my supply drop? Would it change? Could I handle tandem feeding the new baby with them?

We took it day by dad and my supply did drop but not enough to effect them. After lots of tips from other experienced mamas, I decided the best thing for me, the triplets, and the new baby would be to get them on a schedule and start limiting their feeds.

We slowly dropped them and were able to get them to only nursing 3 times a day. I went through a nursing aversion that happens to a lot of moms nursing while pregnant and this schedule helped me survive and not get too overwhelmed.

When baby arrived, all of them were still nursing. We successfully kept the schedule and thankfully Cormac took to breastfeeding quickly. We had several early (over)supply issues but were quickly into a good pattern again.

Owen was really the most attached to breastfeeding and the other two were slowly losing interest. Just before their second birthday, all three of them stopped nursing before naps. All within a fews days of each other. We had gotten to a point where I don't offer, they just ask. A week of two later, Evelyn and Declan stopped in the morning as well. Soon after that they all stopped asking every night. Maybe every other or every 3 days. It depended on how tired they were. 2 weeks of that and then they stopped asking all together.

Owen still nursed in the morning. He was always awake first and would come cuddle and nurse with me. It was our special one on one time. But, about a week after dropping the night feeding, he stopped asking in the morning. We still cuddle, but no nursing.

It was a very easy transition and I am so happy with the way it happened. No tears, no whining, and felt very natural.

I think it was the hardest on me. It was very bittersweet, to see them growing up and end that part of our relationship. But, transitioning to just nursing Cormac has been nice. It's much easier on all of us.

I can't believe that part of our life is over and that we made it so far, but am so beyond proud that we were able to accomplish it and will look back on these days with so much love. The bond we had was so strong and I am so happy I was able to provide that for them.