Thursday, February 6, 2014


This week both of the boys have gotten another tooth! Now they each have their two bottom teeth. Declan got one 4 days ago and then Owen cut his this morning. Or at least thats when we saw it. This time around it wasn't nearly as bad! They all have seemed a little off this week and we weren't sure if its the weather and if they were getting sick but im hoping it was just teeth! Although no sign of any more for Evie.

I've been trying all day to get some pictures of their new teeth with no luck, tey hate me fishing around their mouths!

Next weekend we are going to take the babies to the snow!! (That is as long as the weather is nice.) I can't wait and hopefully they get a bunch this week so that it is all fresh and covered :) Patrick will go snowboarding but I will just hang out at the house with the babies. Although we may bring them out to the lodge too, just depends how good they are!

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