Thursday, December 4, 2014

Pregnancy Update: 26 Weeks!

I have been meaning to put up a weekly pregnancy post since 24 weeks but its taking me until now to get one done. We have been very busy with the start of the holidays. Thanksgiving was great and we spent some quality time with family. Patrick had a couple days off and it couldn't have come at a better time. He has been very busy lately and is trying to get a lot of work done now in preparation for Christmas and the new year (spoiler alert: A new job is in the works!! More on that later). We are working hard to get a lot done for the new baby in the next few weeks and hopefully will be pretty much done by Christmas. I am starting to lose energy again as I head towards the third trimester and with three 17 month olds, I need as much of whats left just for them!

As for the rest of the pregnancy, it is going smooth. I can't complain much because its a walk in the park compared to 3! But I also don't know how I did it. Im starting to get back pain and nerve pain and its really hard to think I have 14 more weeks! I am enjoying it though and I can't wait for March!

We had our last appointment a couple weeks ago now and have another in just under 2 weeks. After that it will be on to every 2 weeks not 4! The baby looked great at my last one, still measuring BIG. We don't really know how accurate it is but babe was around 1 pound 10 ounces at just shy of 24 weeks and 12 inches! So we are prepping for a big one which really isn't surprising with the size the triplets were at birth but it makes me a little nervous!

Now onto a few questions I have gotten:

A lot of people have asked if i have a feeling on the gender even though we aren't finding out. I honestly don't know. It changes often. At the very beginning I thought girl and then it switched to boy. Now I really don't know and keep going back and forth. Patrick thinks its a boy now but thought girl in the beginning too. The rest of our family is pretty split too. So it really will be a surprise! Feel free to guess!

I also have been asked a lot about how it compares to triplets. Honestly I basically feel like a first time mom! The pregnancy is so different and my care is obviously different too. I am carrying differently, but part of that is because there is only one. I basically felt closer to 30 weeks pregnant at like 16 weeks with the triplets and you really cant describe what it's like with 3 even when my belly wasn't big yet. Plus, I never had to prepare for going to term or a natural delivery. There was much more caution with them. Although 6 weeks doesn't seem like that long I was preparing to deliver them at any time basically from 24 weeks on. This time is just so different!

Ok and finally here is a belly picture from a couple days ago... You can see my belly is a bit more vertical... I think baby is breech right now because he/she is kicking my bladder! And I feel a hard head on top of my belly. Not worried yet since it is still early but we will see what they say at the next appointment. At 24 weeks the babe was transverse, still moving tons!

How far along: 26 Weeks!

Size of Baby: A Head of Lettuce
Total weight gain/loss: At 24 weeks I was up 14.5 pounds.  
Gender: We don't know and won't be finding out! 
Maternity clothes: All maternity clothes. I love being pregnant in the winter as opposed to spring because winter clothes are much more comfy while still looking cute!
Stretch marks: Just the few that I have from the triplets.
Belly Button: In, but definitely flattening.
Sleep: Definitely needing and loving my pregnancy pillow.Im waking up more and have to pee all the time but its not too bad. I miss sleeping on my stomach.
Symptoms: I'm starting to get more tired and my body is more ache-y. My back hurts more especially when carrying the triplets around a lot.
What I miss: Being able to sleep on my belly and really cuddle my babies. 
Cravings: This week has been great with thanksgiving but I have been craving a lot of sweets.
Aversions: Nothing!
Best Moment: A couple days ago Owen was nursing and the baby kicked really hard where he was laying. He pulled off and said "Whoa, Baby!" Then looked at my belly and started trying to play with the babe. The other two came to join as well. It was the cutest thing. It was the most interaction they had and makes me so excited for the arrival!
What i'm looking forward to: Finishing the nursery and enjoying the holidays. We are getting our tree this weekend! This is the more like the triplet's first Christmas as they were so little last year and now we get to watch then experience it all.

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