We're in the home stretch! My due date is in 10 days!!! It's crazy how fast its gone by. I definitely am feeling a bit anxious and like a first-time mom. Prepping for labor and having the unknowns of natural labor is a little scary! The baby is doing well and still measuring very big. I was checked and am about 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. But really that means nothing in terms of how close labor is. I have gotten more real contractions this week but no patterns. My doctor thinks I will go at least another week. We talked a bit about what our plan will be and he is still very confident in me having a VBAC. Baby is head down and has dropped so it's very unlikely for a flip this late. He is only slightly worried about the size if I go past my due date. He knows I want to avoid induction and doesn't want it either but we will need to look at our options if I pass my due date.
I am feeling pretty good for being 38 weeks and besides being exhausted I'm not miserable. Im not quite to the get this baby out of me stage but it is coming. I just can't wait to meet this little one and find out who it is! The triplets are getting so excited and know the baby will be here soon. They talk about it constantly. They are at such a cute age and I love seeing them get excited about becoming big siblings! I can't believe they wont be the babies anymore! We are almost ready too! The room is mostly set up and all the clothes, diapers, blankets etc. are washed. All the gear is set up and Ive been cleaning and cooking all the time.
Patrick is finally slowing down a bit at work. He passed his tests and is officially licensed! He is loving it and I am loving that his work hours are a bit more set/flexible. It's really nice that he can be home around 5 (or sometimes earlier!) everyday. Ive definitely needed it this week and it will be great with a newborn.
Here's my 38 week update!
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Sorry for the terrible picture with the awkward waistband line, i needed a picture and just took this before getting in bed! |
Size of Baby: A Leek! This one is kinda weird...
Total weight gain/loss: Friday I was up 26 pounds but i'm definitely slowing down in weight gain these last couple weeks.
Gender: We don't know and won't be finding out! (but we have our guesses and the family is all over the place!)
Maternity clothes: All maternity clothes, but that is when I actually get dressed. I'm to the point now where I am living in t-shirts and sweats or yoga pants and I am totally ok with that.
Stretch marks: The ones from last pregnancy have gotten darker and I think they may be slightly longer but I can't really tell.
Belly Button: It's almost popped. Its weird actually because it seems like it pops further out as the day progresses. Its not nearly as far out as with the triplets though.
Sleep: Its basically non existent. Im trying to nap with the triplets which helps because I don't sleep long stretches anymore. Im up every couple hours either to pee or because i'm in pain. I can't really get comfortable or stay in one position too long.
Symptoms: I have a lot of aches and the round ligament pain is back. My back hurts especially if I hold the triplets a lot. I definitely need to take it easy and try to stay off my feet when I can.
What I miss: My sleep and energy. I want to do so much more but I just can't most days. Thankfully we have lots of family to help or else we would go crazy.
Cravings: Ive been really wanting anything sweet. Girl scout cookies could not have come at a better time. I have also been really hungry all the time.
Aversions: Nothing! Yay! Im so glad I don't really get these past the first trimester.
Best Moment: The baby dropped last week and it has been great to not get kicked in the ribs all day and struggle to breathe sometimes. Also because there really is no more room, the baby isn't really kicking as much as just rolling. Its really fun watching the full belly movements and this baby is active! The triplets have noticed and they are mesmerized (and slightly weirded out) when it happens.
How exciting!!! Can't wait to hear if it's a little girl or little boy :)