Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Growth Spurts!

The babies must be going through a growth spurt right now! They are all cluster feeding and it's exhausting!! Our schedule is all thrown off so im not always feeding 2 babies at a time. They are eating every 30 to 60 minutes! We are going on 3 days of this so needless to say I haven't really been able to do much else. I have at least one baby attached at the boob all day long. I'm happy to see them growing, but man is it tough!! I can't wait to see how much they have grown at their 2 month check.

I have a few posts im trying to work on in my *spare time* that will hopefully be done soon.

Besides my sleep deprivation, we are all happy and healthy and enjoying every bit! Its a little sad to think that my babies are already 6 weeks, but it's exciting to watch them grow!

1 comment:

  1. My boys just had a growth spurt, 15lbs of bananas in a week should have been a sign, lol...
    In the 8 weeks between their 2 year check-up & their hewing tests they grew 2".
    Infant growth spurts were hard though & much more frequent than they are now. Hopefully they will be sleeping it off in the next day or so so you can get some rest.
