Sunday, July 14, 2013

Breastfeeding Triplets

I have gotten lots of questions about breastfeeding our triplets and how i do it so I figured I would write a post now and update as they get older and things change.

When we first found out we were having triplets, one of my first concerns was whether or not I was going to be able to breastfeed them. I started getting in contact with other triplet moms that breastfeed and read books, and learned that it was possible. My original goal was just for them to have my breast milk even if it was from a bottle. But as I learned more I decided that my real goal was to exclusively breastfeed the trio.

As i got further along, I talked to my doctors, a lactation consultant, and our pediatrician and they were all on board.

When the babies were born, I started to pump right away. I was able to try nursing Evelyn right away as well because she was doing so great. The babies were born Wednesday afternoon and my milk came in on Friday.

The babies were on a 3 hour eating schedule in the nicu so I pumped every three hours. Before they could try breastfeeding I made sure that they got all of their feeds from an NG tube rather than trying to bottle feed. This way there would be no possibility of nipple confusion. Patrick and I both stayed in the hospital in the parent rooms until Evelyn came home.

The babies never got anything besides my milk while they were there. A few days after my milk came in I was pumping about 2 liters a day. I was able to use a hospital breast pump which helped tremendously in the beginning. I also had a lactation consultant who was wonderful.

When the babies were ready to try to do feeds on the breast, I would pump for 10 minutes first and then feed them. When they were done, I would pump again. They were fed whatever they didn't get through the tube.

When Evelyn came home I wasn't able to be there as long. She was exclusively on the breast. But I still spent most of the day at the nicu. I would pump for the boys a few minutes after she ate. Patrick thankfully had 2 weeks off work so we would all go and I would still be able to nurse her and be with the boys. We could still be in the parent room during the day, so Patrick would be there with Evelyn and I went back and forth between her and the boys.

When the boys came home, we had a tough transition. Our first plan was to feed 2 babies at once and then feed the third. I was going to feed on demand but we figured they would be hungry close to the same times. We tried this for a whole day, and it was horrible. They all take about 30 minutes each feed so that would mean I would be breastfeeding for at least an hour or more. By the time we finished all three babies, got them changed, and back to sleep, they were hungry again. I wasn't getting any sleep and Patrick couldn't do much since I had the food.

Plus, I do not have patient babies. They would scream when they had to wait a whole 30 minutes to eat. They were all up at relatively the same times, and I swear they know when their siblings are eating. Because if one was sound asleep when the others started, he would be up right away and be ready to eat too. It was exhausting for Patrick and I.

So we needed to come up with a better plan. We call it our nursing rotation.

There is never only one baby up when it comes time to eat, so the two that wake first, eat first. At this point I have enough supply for all three to eat at the same time so we dont worry about turns.

I feed two babies for about 10-15 minutes, then burp them, switch one to the other side and the second takes a break, then the third goes on. After another 10-15 minutes, they are burped, the first is done and the third is switched to the other side, and the second goes back on. Then another 10-15 minutes, burp and done. So this way we cut the breastfeeding time down to about 45 minutes and all three can still exclusively breastfeed. They eat about every 2.5 hours give or take. So there isn't much down time but its better than nothing! Hopefully they start sleeping better at night soon.

It is really tiring for me, and I dont think I could have started this way since it takes a big supply to do it, but it is very worth it and I wouldn't change a thing. I drink tons of water and have my 32-ounce Camelbak with me at all times. Drinking a lot of water is what I think keeps my supply so high. I continued pumping after feeds through the first day the boys were home because it was supposed to help production, but then I realized I was producing plenty for all three to get enough so I stopped.

I have a good amount frozen for if we introduce bottles, but we aren't planning to do that for a few more weeks. I am not going to leave the house for work so its not necessary. But we will probably start doing a night feed on the bottle once they sleep more so Patrick can help and I can get some sleep! But we will wait until about 6 weeks or so.

I am so thankful that all three of them learned to breastfeed pretty quickly and had good latches, and that I am able to produce enough milk. It is definitely not easy, and we are all still learning and adjusting, but I am so so happy I am able to do it.

So this is sort of a jumbled post, sorry about that! Its taken all day to write... If anyone has questions feel free to ask! Im thinking I may do a FAQ post soon because I know I am forgetting some things and its easier to answer specific questions!


  1. You are so lucky they all latched & learned so quickly!!! My boys were too early to try the breast right away, we had to wait 4 weeks to even attempt bottles & only one ever latched good enough to actually get any milk. I loved nursing but once they came home I pumped exclusively. My boys also had to have a coal ore fortifier & they had terrible reflux so we had to add meds & thickener to my milk. I wish I could have nursed them all & skipped the pumping, I also loathed heating & washing bottles!!!

    1. Thats great that you stuck with pumping though!! I really cant believe they all picked it up. I was prepared for the worst. We still have a few bumps but we're getting there!

  2. I'm absolutely amazed! From a mom who hasn't been successful BFing either of my babies you are a rock star!!
